Happy Lawyer Tips

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Find Some Colour!

Thanks to my latest love of Confetti this week’s tip will have you painting those office walls I am sure!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Talk Don't Write!

I am a little old school when it comes to law land and love to talk rather than email or send letters. We can all talk faster than we can type and lately I have found myself using some of the voice memo technology to send those memos rather than typing up that long email.

Thanks to voice to text software and other audio technology it has become easier and easier to communicate still with a personal touch AND it is a whole lot quicker than email after email after email.

So why not give it a go this week- talk where you can and see what happens!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Get Some Sleep!

We lawyers are notorious for not getting enough sleep and it really is the key to so much.

So my challenge to you for this week- focus on your sleep and you will be amazed the difference it will make to how you feel.

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Pause & Reflect!

How do you manage those tricky moments that tend to come with life in the law? Well I certainly don’t have all the answers here but this week I am sharing a few of the things that I know help me.

Pausing, reflecting and letting things go- remembering tomorrow is a new day is often what keeps me going.

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Embrace The Difference!

This week I was asked a question “How do you deal with team members that you just don’t get along with?”

Oh that was a question!! Well I tackled it and here is my answer. But I would love to know your thoughts too?

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Be Kind & Empathetic!

My tip this week again came as a result of a question from fellow lawyer Fiona McLay- How do I deal with clients who are distressed by things that they (and I) can’t control.

Fiona- thank you for the great and challenging question. As a Family Lawyer this is largely my every day!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Stress Less!

This week’s tip Thanks to a great question from Nicola Grummitt has me sharing what I do when I find myself waking up in the middle of the night and worrying! Worrying I have not done something I should have, that I have overlooked something or perhaps realising I have made a mistake! 

So what do you do when the 3am stress brain wakes you up and sleep now seems impossible?

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip - Seek Out The Good Things!

When you can feel yourself becoming overwhelmed and struggling to see the good in things what do you do to flip that mindset before it takes over?

This week I am sharing what I do and it has a lot to do with gratitude but I would love to know your tips too.

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- 'How To Handle Distractions'

Happy Lawyer Tip for this week is all about managing the many, many distractions that seem to exist in life right now! 

I find the sense of overwhelm that can come from the many inputs of information, the pace of life and generally being a lawyer/ mum/ wife/ friend/ everything else is sometimes all too much! 

I would love to know what you do to manage distractions and keep calm in an otherwise at times hectic world.

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Don’t Take Rejection Personally!

My Happy Lawyer Tip for this week was a question from one of you on how do I manage those moments in life where you miss out on something- a new role, a promotion, an opportunity- something that is important to you- how do I manage those tricky feelings of rejection that can follow!

Well here you go- my tips on managing the disappointments.


This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Smile More Often!

My happy lawyer tip for today involves a bit of a challenge- a smiling challenge! The simple act of smiling has been shown to instantly change how we feel so today I am challenging you to see what happens when you randomly smile at your friends, your co-workers, anyone really!

Yes they might think you are a little odd but there is a good chance they might even smile back and that is the result you are after!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- 'Relationships & Connection'

For the past 80 years now Harvard has been running one of the world’s longest studies into adult life and it has confirmed that a key factor in living a long and healthy life is our relationships with others.

In this week’s Happiness Tip I am sharing why this matters for all of us, but particularly us lawyers and why we all need to make more time for the people that matter in our life. 

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- 'Being A Parent & A Lawyer'

This week I am answering a question sent to me by a fellow lawyer mum who is juggling like we all do our different roles as mum/ lawyer/ everything else.

I am so often asked questions around how I manage my life as a parent with my life running my firm and everything in between, often from young women about to embark upon their own careers in law.

And so in this week’s ‘tip’ I am sharing some of the things that I do to make it work for my family.

But when it comes to parenting/ careers and the busy lives we all lead I think I would say this- it is your life so you do it your way- find what works for you and do that! There is no perfect way so you may as well do whatever makes you happy!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- #sparkjoy lawyer style!...

What does Marie Kondo have to do with innovation/ law and happiness? Well this year I have found she has a whole lot to offer! The idea of pausing and asking does this process/ system/ way we do business still work for our clients and for us has become the core of our innovation strategy at my firm. 

On a personal level, there is something deeply comforting from taking ownership of your space, purposefully deciding what surrounds you- in a tangible and intangible sense- and #sparkingjoy by tossing some of it out! So this week I am sharing my tips on how and why you should #sparkjoy in your business too!

This is an image of the happy lawyer happy life toucan branding.

Happy Lawyer Tip- Pick Your Word

I may be a few weeks late with this one but I do believe in the idea of ‘better late than never’ AND it has taken me pretty much all of January to decide just what my word for 2020 should be!


So on this last day of the first month of the year I am sharing something I do every year that not only helps me to set and achieve goals in law and life but that also has really helped my mental wellness.


So what is my word for 2020- well I can finally tell you as it took me a month to work it out! I have chosen ‘carry on’ (yes that is two words I know!)

For me that means I am just building on the many changes I made last year- not making too many more and not adding any more ‘things’ to my plate- just being this year!

I would love to know your word too if you have one.