
Celebrating the 'Cool' in Law Land— a brooch series!

12 months of celebrating lawyers, their hard work and legacies in and outside of #lawland. 

Let's Celebrate 'COOL' #lawland Legacies!

Over the next 12 months at Happy Lawyer Happy Life headquarters we are celebrating with you 12 amazing lawyers and their amazing work and legacy. Think Australian of the year but for everyday lawyers who are doing ‘cool’ things in Law Land to make our lives as lawyers richer. 

12 months means 12 lawyers celebrated in colourful iconic brooches with their stories. We have a few already in the making but if you know of a ‘cool’ human doing ‘cool’ things in law land please nominate them here

To kick off this series we have someone truly worthy of the honour, Ann- Maree David. And up next is…



Legal Tech Guru— Fiona McLay


Fiona McLay is the ultimate Legal Tech Guru! Fiona has taken her background in commercial litigation across firms of all sizes and shapes, and combined it with her fascination in technology, to become a one-of-a-kind expert in tailoring legal technology to fit any firm’s needs.

Fiona’s exceptional legal career, tech expertise, creativity and innovation in #lawland make her the perfect addition to the #celebratingthecool brooch series, and we can’t wait to see what she does next! Embrace Fiona’s spirit of innovation with this beautiful brooch. 


The 'Fiona McLay' Brooch

A beautiful hand assembled acrylic brooch which includes a Fiona McLay phrase “Is There a Better Way?”

This brooch design has a fun story behind it with Fiona’s iconic glasses being featured.

This one is gorgeous! And it can be yours too in the link below.


Plain English Lawyer— Michelle Snape

Michelle Snape is known by her clients as the ‘plain english lawyer’! Albeit this title is self explanatory but to us it simply means bring back the ‘human to the law’.

Over the past year we have been hanging out with Michelle in the Mastermind program and Michelle has been that calm, practical and patience sounding board we have all needed in #lawland during a pandemic amongst the rest.

I could talk for hours about Michelle’s achievements but they are best summed up by two things- firstly she has become known in our Mastermind group as ‘The Oracle’ because she forever has the wise advice that we have all needed on all sorts of things this past year. And she is also the subject of my ‘Celebrating the Cool’ brooch for the month of July as I felt her ‘coolness’ needed to be captured in a brooch too!


The 'Michelle Snape' Brooch

A beautiful hand assembled acrylic brooch which includes a Michelle Snape phrase and life motto “Better Not Bigger!”

When it comes to legal innovation, we rarely hear of the innovative practices occurring in smaller towns and our regional centres – and Michelle represents this unsung innovation.


Michelle is one of the wisest, kindest, most impressive and modest lawyers (and humans) around, and this brooch is a testament to what she brings to #Lawland. 


Living out loud with... Michael Bidwell

Michael Bidwell (a.k.a. Biddy in Instaland!) is a leader in #lawland and in life, who has learned and now advocates that no one can dim your light!


Michael has built an iconic ‘leopard print loving’ career in the law after being told that his sexuality would hold him back. ‘Biddy’ lives out loud always and in this empowers others to know they can do the same and achieve their definition of success. He has broken down barriers, collaborates, celebrates, champions diversity, and fights for all to be included in life and law.


Michael inspires us all and particularly those who are ‘different’ to dream bigger than ever before. In ‘Biddy’s’ words “ when one person stands up and stands out, it makes it easier for the next person who makes it easier for the next person, and so on. “ 


You are a true superstar Michael and we will all wear your brooch with pride. 

The 'Biddy' Brooch

A beautiful hand assembled acrylic brooch which includes a Michael Bidwell phrase and life motto “Live Out Loud!”

There is a great story behind this design and all its details that is reminding us to instil respect and pride in who we each individually are.


Book Nerd— Jennifer Harris

Jennifer Harris (a.k.a. Powerhouse woman extraordinaire)  and I met thanks to a book.  A book that I wrote called Splitsville.

Books, books, books, Jen reads a lot. But it wasn’t always that way! Jen had a time in her life – like so many of us lawyers go though – where she lost her passion for reading.  When Jen finally reinvigorated her love for reading it brought passion and vibrance back to her real life! And Jen has never been the same since. 

Jen is kind, passionate, and gives off an extraordinary warm energy. Jen is a truly beautiful force in this world.  She will make you feel loved, important, and she will help you to shine even on your darkest days. 

The Jen Harris Brooch

A beautiful hand assembled acrylic brooch which includes a Jennifer Harris phrase “Book Nerd or Bust!”

There is a story behind the colours and design for this brooch that have been inspired by Jen’s journey to love reading again. 

Jen is a vibrant shining star, and this is reflected in her brooch design.  Jen is a true superstar of law-  Someone that will help you to shine without even meaning to.

Law Land Superhero— Ann- Maree David

Ann- Maree is famous for her superpower of connecting people with opportunity and empowering us to collaborate. Ann- Maree’s legacy is one full of value adding to the life of each person she meets. 

Ann- Maree David is first person to be your number #1 cheerleader and sidekick in law land— the ultimate law superhero. 

Superhero is a big claim, isn’t it? We’re going to take it a step further. They say that when you meet the Queen, she makes you feel like the most important person in the room.  Ann- Maree David is truly a Queen of Law Land, as that is exactly how it feels to meet her.  She makes all those that meet her feel supported, cherished and valued. 

It is no secret that Ann- Maree is an instrumental part of Happy Lawyer Happy Life. Ann- Maree is the Executive Director of the College of Law Queensland. Both Ann- Maree and the College have supported us from day dot in growing a space for lawyer all over the country to connect and live their best and ‘coolest’ #lawlife and beyond.

Ann- Maree has became colloquially known with great pride and admiration as “The A.M.D”. And so, we give you, the AMD Brooch, celebrating one of the coolest #lawland Superheros slash Queens around. 

The Ann- Maree David Brooch

aka The AMD Brooch


A beautiful hand assembled acrylic brooch which includes Ann- Maree’s life motto “Build Trust- To Create Connection”. 

There is a story behind the colours and design for this brooch that have been inspired by the British suffragettes and their campaign colours- purple, white and green- symbolising Ann-Maree’s passion and advocacy for equality in and out of law.