Launch/ Re-Launch or Re-Jig your Collaborative Practice Bootcamp!!

The 4 week online course!

Next Launch Available on Request!

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 Collaborative Practice Bootcamp!!

Are you a collaborative professional or lawyer looking to launch, re-launch or re-jig your collaborative practice? Or are you a collaborative professional or lawyer looking for assistance in effectively implement a marketing and business strategy for your collaborative practice? Then this 4 week online bootcamp is designed for you! 

Over the past six years, I’ve had the pleasure of training over 400 collaborative professionals around Australia and overseas. Many of us bounce out of the two day introductory training and one day advanced training courses with so much enthusiasm for this new process, only to discover a few weeks later that finding collaborative clients with whom we can test our new skills can be a real challenge.

When it comes to starting or growing your collaborative practice, you will need a business and marketing plan and this is where I can help!

Growing a collaborative practice takes marketing, messaging and planning. Over the past 11 years I have successfully built a collaborative law practice- Brisbane Family Law Centre- where we specialise in working with families experiencing separation and divorce in a way that keeps them out of the Courts and enables them to work together for the future.  

In this 4 week online program I will show you how you can build your collaborative practice and make the most of it!

I will demystify the world of marketing and leave you with a sense that with a few small steps each day, you really can grow your collaborative practice far broader than it is right now.

Collaborative Practice Bootcamp Overview

  • Week 1: Setting your goals for your Collaborative Practice and getting clear on your market
  • Week 2: Understanding the tools (online and offline) that you can use to build your practice
  • Week 3: It’s all in the marketing- Identifying the tools that are right for your practice
  • Week 4: Show me the Matters- Mapping out your 12 month Collaborative Practice Marketing Plan

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4-weeks to start implementing your ideas and goals for your collaborative practice. 

You will have access to...

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A private online focus group of like minded collaborative professionals. 

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Weekly online masterclasses with a few surprises in store!

Next 2021 Launch TBD!

The 4 week bootcamp is completely online so you can join no matter where you are thanks to 'technology!'
🎉Please note that you can sign up additional members from your team at no additional cost.

4 Week Online Program Price

$ 709
  • 4 week online program with dedicated worksheets
  • Weekly masterclasses via zoom
  • Online focus group

** If you are finding yourself second-guessing your judgement on how you run or market your collaborative practice business then my coaching packages are for you! You can learn more about my coaching packs here.

The Presenter!

Clarissa Rayward

Director of Brisbane Family Law Centre

Accredited Family Law Specialist | Mediator | Collaborative Family Lawyer |
Podcaster | Author | Speaker | Business Owner

 Hi, my name’s Clarissa Rayward.

I’m a collaborative divorce lawyer from sunny Brisbane, Australia. I’m the Director of Brisbane Family Law Centre, a multi-disciplinary legal practice where lawyers work alongside financial planners and psychologists to provide our clients with the holistic service they need during divorce.

I set up my firm in 2008 and can safely say that at that time, I had no idea about how to market my business, nor how important that was to keeping my business going. Fast forward 11 years and I now spend more of my time in marketing activities than doing anything else!

Over the past 11 years I’ve invested heavily in learning as much as  I can about marketing to be able to grow my business, but more importantly to be able to niche my business so that I am largely now working purely in out of Court divorce practices such as collaborative practice and mediation.

I am now an Author of 2 books, a Blogger and Podcaster (while still working in my spare time as a Divorce Lawyer) and have been enjoying sharing my knowledge of business, marketing and wellness, running courses just like this one today.

There has never been a better time to be in the marketing game- thanks to that wonderful creation, the Internet, the barriers to entry have been removed. During this online course I hope to inspire you to overcome any fears you have about marketing your collaborative practice so you can head back to your office and get to much more collaborative fun!