
Social Media For Lawyers 4 Week Online Program

To help you lift your social media game &
grow your accounts the right way.

Social Media For Lawyers Online Program

Social Media! Something we all know we need to understand but the challenge for most lawyers is knowing where to start!

Hi, my name is Clarissa Rayward and I am a lawyer just like you! After a few too many hours ‘online’ I have come to learn a fair bit about how we lawyers can and should use social media.  Over the past 4 years I have grown a niche social media community of over 10,000 people across multiple platforms and credit social media as being one of the biggest drivers of new work to my law practice.  So how have I done it?  Well that is what I will show you in my 4 week online program. 

After troubleshooting quite a few questions for a lot of my lawyer friends I thought I might put together a dedicated social media program, just for lawyers where we can start with the basics and get you up, running and ready to grow your accounts the right way.

In this 4 week program we will cover-

  • Week 1: Creating the right social media strategy for you or your firm;
  • Week 2: The platforms— how to choose the platforms that are right for you and then use them wisely;
  • Week 3: Building your campaigns—  now you know your strategy and tools, its time to map out your online campaigns (aka let’s get creative as the world moves online!);
  • Week 4: Your plan— Let’s bring it home with a 12 month social media plan for your firm.

This is a practical and hands on program so have your social media accounts at the ready and we will update and change them as we go.

This is a image of a Happy Lawyer Idea Icon

 4-weeks to start building your socials and designing a social media strategy that will suit you and your practice. 

You will have access to...

This is a image of a Happy Lawyer Community Icon

A private online focus group of like minded professionals. 

This is a image of a Happy Lawyer Workshop Icon

Weekly online masterclasses with a few surprises in store!

Next 2021 Launch TBD!

This 4 week program is completely online so you can join no matter where you are thanks to 'Technology!'

Social Media Basics Online Program Price

$ 709
  • 4 week online program with dedicated worksheets
  • Weekly masterclasses via zoom
  • Online focus group

The Presenter!

Clarissa Rayward

Director of Brisbane Family Law Centre

Accredited Family Law Specialist | Mediator | Collaborative Family Lawyer |
Podcaster | Author | Speaker | Business Owner

 Hi, my name’s Clarissa Rayward.

I’m a collaborative divorce lawyer from sunny Brisbane, Australia. I’m the Director of Brisbane Family Law Centre, a multi-disciplinary legal practice where lawyers work alongside financial planners and psychologists to provide our clients with the holistic service they need during divorce.

I set up my firm in 2008 and can safely say that at that time, I had no idea about how to market my business, nor how important that was to keeping my business going. Fast forward 11 years and I now spend more of my time in marketing activities than doing anything else!

Over the past 11 years I’ve invested heavily in learning as much as  I can about marketing to be able to grow my business, but more importantly to be able to niche my business so that I am largely now working purely in out of Court divorce practices such as collaborative practice and mediation.

I am now an Author of 2 books, a Blogger and Podcaster (while still working in my spare time as a Divorce Lawyer) and have been enjoying sharing my knowledge of business, marketing and wellness, running courses just like this one today.

There has never been a better time to be in the marketing game- thanks to that wonderful creation, the Internet, the barriers to entry have been removed. During this online course I hope to inspire you to overcome any fears you have about marketing your personal brand and business so you can head back to your office and get to much more happy lawyer fun!